Wild Earth Tonics are a local Brisbane based business creating tonics that are powerful energising boosts to your mind and body. They use locally sourced organic vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices and steep them in raw organic apple cider vinegar with the mother.
Along with carefully selected adaptogenic herbs – ancient plants taking roots in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. These plants, as their name suggests, help our bodies adapt to life’s stresses. They build energy and strength, calm our emotions and help bring our bodies back into balance- and they have just developed a range for our furry-family members to enjoy too!
For their shoot, we were focussed on getting high quality images of the products, both with and without a range of dogs with a variety of different backgrounds so they could be used in print and on social media.
They also brought along some of their water kefir to share, and I can highly recommend the one I tried! Check the kefir out here: https://www.oldcossack.com.au/ and their range of tonics for people and pets here: https://www.wildearthtonics.com.au/
Are you a pet brand needing your story told with high-quality imagery?
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I’d love to learn about your business.