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Scruff, Tuff and Felix

Updated: Nov 21, 2019

Scruff, Tuff and Felix. Scruff and Tuff are extremely charismatic little Maltese crosses, and their brother, Felix, is a cat. They had their session recently in the comfort of their own home in Brisbane.

An In-home session by Tails of Time Pet Photography

As I arrived, I placed my bag onto the floor, only for it to be immediately raided! Scruffy had found my stash of toys and had taken a new squeaky ball just for himself. Because of that ball and my treats, I was an instant friend for Scruff. Tuff on the other hand took a little longer to warm up to the strange person with the weird clicking machine, though with a bit of bribery he was posing like a professional in no time.

A session at home by Tails of Time Pet Photography

Their owner really wanted a picture of all three boys together, and I was up for that challenge. However there was a slight issue! Whilst Felix likes Scruff, he isn't a huge fan of Tuff. Meaning that group shots were proving to be a bit stressful for poor Felix. Sometimes our grand plans don't always work quite as well as we were hoping, and because of this, some of my other tricks had to come into play. Of course we always want a photography session to be a positive experience for all of the pets involved, so rather than force anything, we just took some solo shots so I could add him into the photo during the post processing and editing phase. This session ended up involving a lot more digital trickery than my typical session does.

Cat and dog photography in Brisbane. A session at home by Tails of Time Pet Photography

Of course we wanted a few individual shots of the three, and we threw in some action shots for good measure.

Cat Photographer Brisbane. A session at home by Tails of Time Pet Photography

A session at home by Tails of Time Pet Photography

A session at home by Tails of Time Pet Photography

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