This is an excellent question. One that is very much deserving of its own post.
Firstly: I recommend choosing ONE bag to bring along. We tend to walk around a bit and find little places. This means a bit of stopping and starting and we will frequently put down the bags just to pick them up a minute later and move along. So one bag is best if possible. Keep it simple.
Now what to put in said bag!
5. A towel This is incredibly important for those shoots that involve swimming and sand - but can be useful at all shoots. Think drool drying, dirt wiping, for you to sit on etc.
4. A brush For the longer coated, or fluffy dogs, a brush can be a useful tool to get their coat looking perfectly fluffed or to remove all traces of that bush they just pulled you through whilst chasing a turkey!
3. Water and a water bowl
Bring enough for both you and your dog. Being a model is thirsty work! Many of our shoot locations have limited access to fresh water taps, so it is best to bring your own.
2. Toys!
Bringing along your pet’s favourite things- their toys, or even their favourite chewed up shoe can be an incredibly fun thing to do. They'll love it, and your pictures will have much more meaning than if we were to use the toys I bring along. These silly and fun images are always perfect in an album, as a storyboard frame or part of the bamboo box set.
1. Treats!
For food motivated pets, treats are the ultimate go-to means of keeping them focused. Bring along plenty of their favourite tasty treats. I mean TASTY- like chicken, little bits of cheese or leftover cooked meat! I do always bring along treats of my own, but if you have a fussy dog, or a dog who suffers from allergies, bring along plenty of your own.
I often use Ziwipeak with my own dogs - your dogs might love it too! Note: if you have children coming along to the shoot, a little snack for them is also a good idea. Signature Sessions can be up to 2 hours long.
Optional: - Outfit changes for you or your pet.
Greta and Wilson nailed this. Enough said.
- Props Does your dog do an amazing trick, or do you have an old prop you've been dying to use? Bring it along*!
* not all locations will be suitable, as some involve walking to get there, but we can chat more about this!